Trust-building progress on the Korean Peninsula
What is Trust-building progress on the Korean Peninsula? President Park often have mentioned at the times when she visited to United States and China and made a speach. However, many people wonder that what kind of concept the initiative has. Fortunately some days ago Korea Unification Ministry outlined inter-Korean “trust-building process”. The main concept and contents is as follows :
Firstly, the foremost priority of the trust politik is to build confidense on both halves of the Peninsula, while ensuring a virtous cycle that will improve N-South relations. Of course, it will be based on solid foundation of security.
To maake it come true the two Koreas are to bulid trust gradually through continued dialogue, a shared commitment promises and mutual endeavors of exchanges and cooperation. And we should make continued efforts ot addresss humanttarian issues. In addition, establishing channel of dialogue and ensuring delivery on agreement, expanding and developing mutual exchange and cooperation carrying out of vision Korea project and developing a DMZ Peace Park will be followed while
building-up of political and military trust.
South Korean Park's administration belives that gradually building trust between Seoul and Pyongyang was more important than changing relations quickly.
The policymaker saids "I think now is high time for us to take the lead for setting a new order based upon trust. In a Memorial Day speech delivered at the Seoul National Cemetery on Thursday, President Park Geun-hye urged North Korea to accept her administration's "trust building" policy initiative that could open a new era of peace and hope on the peninsula.
"The North must accept that its provocations and threats are no longer effective (in bringing about concessions) and come to the realization that it has to make changes," she said, adding that it is time the North become a responsible member of the international community.
"North Korea must give up its policies that are fueling its isolation and backwardness and bravely accept the hand of reconciliation being offered by South Korea and the global community and strive for mutual prosperity," Park said. She added that it is her hope that Pyongyang will actively seek to open an era of happiness on the Korean Peninsula.
N.K. defector sent to prison camp after returning home
July 16 (Yonhap) -- A North Korean defector who returned to her communist homeland from South Korea appears to have been sent to a concentration camp in the North, a Seoul lawmaker claimed Tuesday.
The defector, Ko Kyung-hee, was one of four North Koreans who Pyongyang claimed in January had returned home after enduring unbearable hardships in the South.
Ko gave a press conference on North Korean TV at the time, saying that she had slipped back in through China because she missed her children in the North.
"Ko tried to defect (again) through the (North Korean) border city of Hyesan on June 17, but failed and was arrested by North Korean authorities," Rep. Ha Tae-keung of the ruling Saenuri Party said in a news conference at the National Assembly. "It is presumed that she is now being held at a prison camp."
Despite the North's claims, it is likely that the group of defectors gave the televised press conference in January under Pyongyang's orders to depict the South as a terrible place to live in, he added.
The three other North Koreans who returned home with Ko also tried to defect again by crossing the border into China on June 27, the lawmaker said.
Kim Kwang-ho, his wife and their 1-year-old daughter had started their journey home from South Korea in order to bring their relatives out of the communist country, and fled with the wife's brother and sister.
"On their way here, however, Kim and his four family members were caught by Chinese authorities and have been detained in the outskirts of China," the lawmaker said.
"If sent back to the North, their lives would not be guaranteed," Ha said, calling on the Seoul government to devise swift responses for their release and safe arrival here.
Seoul's foreign ministry said it is taking "necessary measures," but didn't elaborate.
"Our principle is that we provide support for North Koreans hoping to come here," Foreign Ministry spokesman Cho Tai-young told reporters.
"(The South Korean government) can claim the right to protect its people," Cho said when asked if Seoul is entitled to demand China such a consular right for the defectors.
Once arriving here from the communist country, defectors acquire South Korean citizenship, which means Kim, his wife and their baby would be South Korean nationals.
Tens of thousands of North Koreans have fled their homeland in recent decades to escape political oppression and chronic poverty. Many of them travel through China, Thailand, Laos and other Southeast Asian countries before resettling in the South, now home to more than 25,000 North Korean defectors, according to government data.
North Korea's Peace Treaty Proposal is a mere Trick
Two months ago North Korea proposed high-level talks with the United States to 'ease tensions in the Korean Peninsula. The topics was to change a truce treaty to a peace treaty and nuclear matters. And in July 27th, which is so colled 'victory celegration day' , North Korea also proposed to sign a peace treaty between North Korea and the United Stated. Of Course, the United States doscounted its proposals. Do you know why North Korea sticks to this peace agreemnet?

There is some hidden purposes in offering peace treaty. It is very easy for us to be cheated by the term 'peace', which deluges ourselves to believe that North Korea might seek for peace. However, the truth is another. So to speak, North Korea hides its real wicked intension. The reasons why they sometimes speak up peace treaty is to cover their diplomatic inferiority and to take military stratigic advantage.
Nowadays North Korea has been in the corner due to long-lange missile launch in December of last year and 3th nuke test in Feburary. Additionally some months ago with an unresonable excuse North Korea called off the first high-level talks between North and South Korean officials in years. So they need to find a way of solving this diplomatic plight.
Therefore there is widespread mistrust in the US and elsewhere about North Korea's motives for making this offer. In October the country said it might be willing to go back to the six-party talks, but this was seen as a sop to the Chinese premier, Wen Jiabao, who was then visiting the country. North Korea also set out demanding conditions for the talks. They included calling for the withdrawal of U.N. sanctions against it.
Zhang Lianguai, a professor from the International Institute for Strategic Studies at the Central Party School of the Communist Party of China also suggested that accepting North Korea's proposal for 'Peace Treaty' would be to concide North Korea's possesion of nuclear weapons.
In this situation, is it resonable for us to discuss a peace treaty with them?
There is some hidden purposes in offering peace treaty. It is very easy for us to be cheated by the term 'peace', which deluges ourselves to believe that North Korea might seek for peace. However, the truth is another. So to speak, North Korea hides its real wicked intension. The reasons why they sometimes speak up peace treaty is to cover their diplomatic inferiority and to take military stratigic advantage.
Nowadays North Korea has been in the corner due to long-lange missile launch in December of last year and 3th nuke test in Feburary. Additionally some months ago with an unresonable excuse North Korea called off the first high-level talks between North and South Korean officials in years. So they need to find a way of solving this diplomatic plight.
Therefore there is widespread mistrust in the US and elsewhere about North Korea's motives for making this offer. In October the country said it might be willing to go back to the six-party talks, but this was seen as a sop to the Chinese premier, Wen Jiabao, who was then visiting the country. North Korea also set out demanding conditions for the talks. They included calling for the withdrawal of U.N. sanctions against it.
Zhang Lianguai, a professor from the International Institute for Strategic Studies at the Central Party School of the Communist Party of China also suggested that accepting North Korea's proposal for 'Peace Treaty' would be to concide North Korea's possesion of nuclear weapons.
In this situation, is it resonable for us to discuss a peace treaty with them?
Mt. Baekdoo Volcano Eruption may Cause Chinese Catastrophe
In recent days the occurrence of earthquake has been drasttically increasing after N. Korea took a series of nuke tests. A dense Helium gas was leaking out around Baekdoo Mountin. Russia satellite detected som gas and smoke belching out on the peak of Baekdoo Mountin.
If Changbai erupted, the impact would be 1000 times stronger than the Iceland volcano swept over all European Continent. In other words, it will be second Cheronbyl explosion that destroyed all ecosystem and hundreds of thousands of people.
The fate of billons of Chinese people deponds on the blocking N.Korea nuclear development.
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