Is Kim Jongun really a devil incarnate?

   Is Kim Jongun really a devil incarnate? For him, it looks like hunting a game to kill a man. Of course, he disguises his slaughtering as legal. Howerver, when he chases a game and kills it, he shows a kind of madness and ecstasy. There is no remorse and any hesitation.


 Three months ago North Korean crasy leader Kim Jong-un purged his former mentor and uncle-in-law Jang Sung-tae and also put to death all his family members including the children and grandchildren of close relatives of Jang. Those reportedly killed in Kim's purge include Jang's sister Jang Kye-sun, her husband and ambassador to Cuba, Jon Yong-jin, and Jang's nephew and ambassador to Malaysia, Jang Yong-chol. The nephew's two sons were also said to have been killed.

Some earlier months, famous singer Hyon Song-wol and 11 entertainers of North Korea reportedly was also executed by a firing squad for violating pornography laws. Hyon Song-wol was Kim Jongun's ex-girlfriend. It is said that they were executed with machine guns and the victims' families were sent to prison camps. In a word, there is no tears and mercy in his hunting play.

 Reportedly Kim Jong-Un publicly executes 80 people in North Korea for "reading bible and watching foreing television. Certainly, they didn't take no proper judicial procedure. They were executed in North Korea at seven different locations across the country. In the first large scale public executions of the Kim Jong-un terror regime, groups of eight people were systematically slaughtered by firing squad. This is the horror of North Korea.

In view of this facts, Kim Jongun is a live devil made by totalitarianism and cruel dictorship.
We shouln't close our eyes to his inhumane atrociies. He must be indicted to ICC for mass slaughtering and be removed forever. 

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